Restaurant reviews

Trinity Kitchen serves up more delights this April & May

Trinity Kitchen has been a shining example in the UK of what can happen when you believe in street food in a more commercial setting. Trinity deserves a lot of credit for supporting the idea and the pay-off, of course, is that it helps to keep the shopping centre popular despite the fast-paced change in Leeds with the opening of Victoria Gate.

For April and May, the regular offerings like Pho are still there, but the new offerings are:

  • Pizza Loco
  • Eat Like a Greek
  • What the Truck
  • Wetherby-based StrEAT Balls
  • The Baking Biker

It was a pleasure to be invited down to try out a range of their dishes and to get the chance to scope out who might become a Trinity Kitchen legend, leading on to further Leeds expansion, like Fat Hippo from last year.

Whilst the food from Eat Like a Greek and StrEAT Balls looked incredible, we must confess that we haven’t fully tried their food enough to give a proper review. So, instead, the best option for you is to salivate over our photos and head down to Trinity Kitchen to try them before they scarper on May 14th.

Pizza Loco – A fine base with some bite

Street food pizza places are ten a penny so finding one that is actually really good and boasts a non-greasy, fresh pizza is always a pleasure. Fortunately, not only do Pizza Loco have a fabulous street food train design, but they hit the brief when it comes to their pizza varieties, with their cheeky bacon pizza a particular hit.

By not having a ridiculous menu, keeping ingredients local, and cooking thin tasty pizzas, we’ve been won over by Pizza Loco, who served us up a hot pizza that was wolfed down very quickly!

The Baking Biker – Stunning looks with taste to back it up

Specialising in desserts is a competitive market but The Baking Biker has taken on the challenge with relish. With offerings like Cadbury Scotch Eggs, oozing sweet goodness and making dessert twists work brilliantly, they are a great addition to Trinity Kitchen this spring. Save room in your pudding belly for these guys!

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And finally this epic Easter effort from @the_baking_biker

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What the Truck – Serving up some cracking fries

As it was a one person effort in trying the food for us this time at Trinity Kitchen, we couldn’t quite bring ourselves to order two mains, so we went for Pizza Loco pizza and what we had heard described as ‘crack fries’ from What the Truck.

If the picture doesn’t get you salivating then the fact that these fries come with a gorgeous mayo, and are cooked to that perfect balanced crunch texture, should persuade you. These fries are our number one tip for a pick-me-up if you’re having a tough day at work!

Of course they offer a range of other amazing USA-inspired grub but we can’t get over those fries…

Enjoy our pictures? Check out more on our Instagram page here.

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