
The SplashAbout Warm In One wetsuit reviewed

Taking your little one swimming for the first time can be a daunting experience and one that can lead to either panic buys or just uncertainty about what’s best to purchase.

We write this from our own perspective, but just to note quickly that our little girl really struggled with colder pools during her earlier swimming experiences. However, in warmer pools she was fine whatever she wore, so before thinking about purchasing any warming items, it is really worth trying to get an idea of the temperature of the pool you are taking your little one to as some will be significantly warmer and may make your purchases redundant.


As mentioned, our little one struggled with colder pools (around 28 degrees to 30 degrees) and so we looked for a solution using a range of items. However, it was the SplashAbout Warm in One wetsuit that provided the solution for making her comfortable in the pool and encouraging her to love swimming.

If you are keen on getting a baby warmer for swimming then this wetsuit essentially offers the same protection as an adult one. Rather heavy in weight once wet and offering cover over the entire body except hands, feet and head, this is the best garment we found for actually helping to keep little ones warm in water. It also doesn’t restrict the movement of the baby when in the wetsuit meaning they can splash about happily unrestricted.


Of course one of the key things that makes these products work or not is how easy they are for parents to use. With our little girl, we can change her very quickly into the Warm in One wetsuit as it has no fiddly aspects and instead only has a simple to use Velcro fastening to keep it snug when done up. This also means it is easy to remove once they are out of the pool and you are trying to keep them warm and get them dry.

The suit is only meant to be washed by hand, so it is worth ensuring you are using a reusable swim nappy as well as a disposable one to avoid having to clean it regularly.

Whilst marketed as being a good item for taking to the beach, this is a rather heavy item of clothing, so if you go on a warm day this may not be the best choice. On a slightly milder but high UV day, the 50+ protection means this suit will work outside your swimming pool on holiday and will of course help keep your little one warm in a cold sea if you take them swimming in the sea.

Overall, the cost of this item (ranging from about £19.99 – £24.99 depending on the design) means that you need to be happy your little one is going to need it before buying it straightaway. If you do have a more sensitive little one or are taking your baby swimming in a colder pool, this is a fantastic product that will make your swimming experience much easier and less stressful for both you and your little one.

Let us know if you use this product or have other baby swimming gear that you would recommend.

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