It’s a great shame that so many Brits see Orlando as the be-all and end-all of Florida and worse still that they seem to descend in droves in the summer when the […]
It’s a great shame that so many Brits see Orlando as the be-all and end-all of Florida and worse still that they seem to descend in droves in the summer when the […]
Caroline’s Canadian trip has had so many highlights that Vancouver has a lot to live up to. Hotel L’Hermitage, however, turns out to be equal to the task… Our Canadian odyssey had […]
Caroline is overwhelmed by the size of this iconic hotel at Lake Louise… It was always going to be a shock moving from the intimate Tuwanek Hotel to the 550-roomed Fairmont Chateau […]
A few years ago when we were planning a big trip to western Canada, a friend who lives near Vancouver told us to make sure we factored in a few nights chilling […]