Food News

M&S launch new traceability campaign for British beef

It’s no secret that when you shop at M&S for food, you’re getting something that’s a cut above the norm. Food shopping at M&S has, over the past decade or so, taken on a real air of luxury; much of this is thanks to some clever advertising and marketing, but just as much has to do with the fact that the retailer can genuinely back up their claims with quality product.


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Their latest campaign highlights exactly this. M&S are now the only national retailer able to trace 100% of their beef back to the farm and the individual cow. This includes everything from fillet steak to their tins of corned beef; every product that contains beef can be traced back to the British source it originates from.

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This is reassuring when you cast your mind back to the meat scandals we’ve had in recent years; it doesn’t take much to remind you of the horse meat scandal. Traceability, especially for busy families cooking meals during the week, without having to go to any effort as a consumer, is a big plus for any retailer to be able to boast.

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To celebrate the M&S campaign, we decided to cook one of their new recipes: wasabi burgers. The key with this recipe, which was perfect for a summer evening barbecue at home, was the quality of ingredients. We wanted the beef to shine, to show off everything good about M&S’s campaign, and so we paired it just with a small but effective amount of wasabi paste, some chopped coriander, and some seasoning. A few minutes each side under the grill later and the burgers went brilliantly in some M&S buns with some sauce, lettuce, and chopped spring onions.

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The burgers had a kick to them from the wasabi, but what really shone through was the quality of the meat. The burgers retained a chew to them that you don’t always get with heavily processed burgers, and this also made them taste leaner and healthier.

You know what you’re getting when you buy your food at M&S in terms of quality, taste, and reliability, and it’s great to see them taking it one step further this summer with their new campaign!

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