Hotel Reviews - UK

The Star Inn at Harome Part 1: a Yorkshire inn with huge amounts of class

When I booked a room at the Star Inn in Harome for Kyle’s Christmas, it was mainly just so we had a place nearby to stumble back to after eating at the restaurant across the road. I knew Kyle had been wanting to try the food at the Star Inn for a while, so I thought it’d make a good present.

Before this weekend, I certainly didn’t expect the accommodation to outshine the experience of eating at this fabulous Michelin Starred restaurant in North Yorkshire, but, a day after returning from our weekend away, I can see how wrong I was, purely from how desperately I want to return as soon as possible for another stay!

We turned up at about 3pm after a stop-off at Helmsley. We were shown around by the receptionist before being taken to our room, which was on the ground floor. Our room was gorgeous, full of exposed beams, a bathroom with walls made from wood, and a huge bed.

Bedroom 6 at Star Inn, Harome

Our lovely bedroom, complete with a really comfy bed!

After dropping off our suitcase in our room, we headed back to the main part of the lodge, which had a huge communal lounge, separated into two parts by a roaring log fire.

At one end was a cute little honesty bar, well stocked(!), and at the other end a long wooden bar upon which was set a row of lovely little afternoon tea cakes and a big slab of local Cheddar, served with crackers and chutney. These complimentary touches epitomised the warm welcome the Star Inn gave us.

The lounge, complete with free cake and cheese - what more could you want?!

The lounge, complete with free cake and cheese – what more could you want?!

We settled down in front of the log fire with a big pot of tea and two little plates of cheese and crackers and set about playing Scrabble!

Cute little milk jug that came with our tea!

Cute little milk jug that came with our tea!

We had the lounge to ourselves for much of the afternoon and were more than happy to laze away the hours playing games and reading in this gorgeous atmosphere before getting ready for dinner.

The lounge at Star Inn, Harome

Kyle losing graciously at Scrabble

I’ll leave Kyle to blog about our dinner in a separate entry as the restaurant at the Star Inn deserves its own article. Needless to say the food was amazing and the evening really special, and I was happy we only had a short walk back to our room afterwards.

After a really good sleep in the massive comfy bed, we woke up excited for breakfast! We’re big breakfast fans (especially me!) and the Star Inn did not disappoint. Breakfast is served in an interesting room in the main lodge, with everyone sitting around a huge circular wooden table. We were the first ones down for breakfast and we made the most of this, stocking up on beautiful smoked salmon and big thick slices of toast with butter and raspberry jam.

A classy breakfast buffet table

A classy breakfast buffet table

We followed this up by an omelette with all the works (me) and truffled mushrooms on toast (Kyle).

Kyle's mushroom breakfast

Kyle’s mushroom breakfast

As we walked back to our room to pack up to leave, we were greeted by two chickens trying to break into our room, a charming sight which made us even sadder to leave.

Some welcome guests!

Some welcome guests!

A brief stay, yes, but one which we’ll fondly remember for some time to come. The Star Inn feels like a home from home, but a home that you would only be able to live in if you won the lottery! We will definitely, definitely return here for more stays in the future, even if we don’t combine our stays with eating over the road; this lodge is a class act in its own right.

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