
June’s Walker Books (a late addition!): Maisy Goes to the Local Bookstore

We were sent through a late addition to June’s set of Walker Books, ‘Maisy Goes to the Local Bookstore’. It’s a charming tale about Maisy going to the bookstore to buy a new book. The problem is that there are so many to choose from! I liked this book as it mirrored our little girl’s excitement and indecision each bedtime when she tries to pick just one book to read from her ever-expanding bookshelves!

Maisy meets some other characters during her trip to the store, including some familiar friends, and ultimately picks a book suitable for reading at home with her friend Tallulah.

A story about a trip to the bookstore doesn’t sound like the most exciting tale, but it has had our little girl enthralled. The pictures are bright and eye-catching, the characters vividly imagined, and the descriptions of the books exciting enough to keep little minds occupied. All in all, this is a lovely addition to the Maisy series!

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