Leeds Foodie

Five products to keep your toddler happy in the great outdoors this winter

The weather may be on the turn, but that’s no excuse for keeping little ones with bundles of energy cooped up indoors.

Here are five products we use to help us in our battle against the elements with our little girl!

Didriksons Hamres kids’ jacket

There are lots of jackets on the market for toddlers, but the Didriksons Hamres kids’ jacket not only offers warmth in abundance but is also waterproof. It even has bands on to help make it more visible in the evenings.

Good Bubble

Of course one of the key things to remember about toddlers and bad weather is that they will get mucky! Good Bubble not only gets your little ones clean and smelling good again but it’s also made from natural ingredients.

Patchou reindeer print coat

A warm toddler coat is a must but having one with some added style is a bonus! This Patchou reindeer print will not only keep your toddler warm but should also get them in the Christmas spirit.

Bogs wellies

Puddles are made to be jumped in, right…?! The good people at Bogs have realised this and have made wellies that are fully waterprood and also easy to get on and off your little one’s feet, which makes your life as a parent so much easier!

Didriksons Wylie jacket

Didriksons know how to make a good coat and their Wylie jacket is the perfect one for keeping your little one warm on days where it’s not too chilly but is raining cats and dogs. Lightweight, breathable and of course fully waterproof, it is a great coat to take with you and pop on your little one when the heavens open.