Leeds Foodie

Nagaland Lamb and Keralan Cauliflower prove to be hits at Rola Wala

Rola Wala is one of our favourite permanent stalls at Trinity Kitchen. It combines everything we love about Indian food – vibrant colours, aromatic, intense flavours, and a subtle spice kick – with the street food element that Trinity Kitchen does so well. Indian dishes are transformed into on-the-go wraps that fill you up and don’t compromise on flavour or presentation.

We popped down last week to sample two of their new dishes for this autumn: the Nagaland Lamb wrap and the Vegan Keralan Cauliflower.

The Nagaland Lamb isn’t for wimps, let’s make that clear from the outset! The Naga Chilli grows in the north east of India and is one of the world’s hottest chillis. We’ve had sauces made from this chilli before and, in our experience, those sauces have been so hot and spicy that they’ve been rather unpleasant to consume. Here, though, the chilli has been tamed to make it not only bearable, but really rather delicious. The chilli takes on almost a sweet flavour when combined with the tender lamb and other spices like mustard seeds and cumin. This is spicy, but nothing that you won’t be able to handle if you’re used to a good curry now and then.

As for the Vegan Keralan Cauliflower dish, to be honest, this isn’t a dish that would normally jump out at us on a menu, but we were pleasantly surprised. The dish was extremely well balanced thanks to the clash between the sweet pineapple and sweet potato and the spices added in along with the tamarind, coconut, and chickpeas. It looked like a big bowl of freshness, in want of a better word, and it tasted even better than it looked!

For anyone on a health kick, this is one of those dishes that allows you to be healthy without any of the punishment that can accompany a diet!

A shout-out as well to some of the other, more established items on the Rola Wala menu. The mango and mint lassi was really intriguing (the mint giving this drink an edge that cut through the overly sweet flavour some lassis can suffer from) and we really appreciated the staff putting together a dish of paneer, rice, and mango sauce for our little girl.

Rola Wala is up against some stiff competition this autumn in terms of guest stalls in Trinity Kitchen, but these two dishes show that it can compete big time with its shiny competitors.