
Encouraging debate with Kim Morgan’s Coaching Cards for Children

Who or what makes you laugh the most? It’s a question you probably know the answer to without really thinking too hard about it, but probably one that you’ve not had to expand upon and justify out loud before.

It’s this question, and many other questions besides, that got us talking around the dinner table last week when we tried out Kim Morgan’s Coaching Cards for Children. Obviously our little one is too young to be getting involved with these cards at the moment, but clearly they can prompt pretty interesting comments from adults as well as kids!


The idea behind the cards is to inspire great conversations between little ones and adults. Aimed at children aged between around six and 12, they are great for dinner table chat, and for keeping busy minds occupied on long journeys. The ambition is to encourage positive communication with the whole family, and to encourage children to open up about things they may never have thought about before.

Kim Morgan, the mastermind behind the cards, is one of the UK’s most successful business and personal coaches, so clearly she knows what she’s talking about; there is real science behind the fun here.

We’ll be keeping these cards safe so that once our little one is fully past the toddler years, we can start getting her involved in more of these conversations. Thanks Kim!

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