Make your home that little bit safer with Safety 1st’s Secret Button multi-use lock – Leeds Foodie
Leeds Foodie

Make your home that little bit safer with Safety 1st’s Secret Button multi-use lock

When it comes to toddlers and exploring around the house, the more dangerous something seems, the more enticing it seems to become for them to conquer! With our little girl now capable of pulling open drawers in the kitchen at will, we’d started to become very paranoid about where we store our sharp kitchen knives. Because we have cats as well, we can’t store them in a knife block on the side, so a drawer really is the only option. Thankfully, we’ve found the ideal solution in the form of a Safety 1st Secret Button multi-use lock.

This lock is a parent’s dream; it’s easy to fix with absolutely no drilling required (it takes only a couple of minutes to fit), can be fitted to any cupboard door, even ones with wonky fittings or with awkward positioning in the kitchen, and (perhaps best of all) is quick and easy to open for adults whilst deceiving little ones. We’ve positioned one on the drawer which houses our sharp knives and we can open the drawer quickly whenever we need to, but our little girl doesn’t stand a chance. Cleverly, there’s even a decoy button that can be pushed by a child to no effect – amazing!

The lock will only set you back £4.99, which is no price at all to pay for serious peace of mind in the kitchen. Thousands of kids under the age of five are admitted to hospital every year due to accidents in the home, and quick and easy gadgets like this make it affordable and simple to safeguard against some of the biggest dangers. This lock is also suitable for using on cupboards e.g. for the cupboards where you keep your cleaning fluid, and again is straightforward to fit!