Leeds Foodie

New Weather Cafe set to intrigue in Leeds

For those of you who love your food news to be on the quirky side, this one is for you!

As of next Tuesday, you can pop into the new Weather Cafe on The Headrow (opposite Leeds Art Gallery) to experience a major new artwork that offers members of the public an ‘immersive experience’ complete with wind, rain, and cloud brought indoors via the use of some clever design, sound, and a fair dose of technology.

The artwork, put together by David Shearing (a fantastic young talent), will feature the voices from around 100 Leeds locals and will aim to create a welcoming space in which people can relax and contemplate.

Perhaps best of all for Leeds foodies, though, is the fact that you can enjoy a free cuppa while you have a nose around!

The whole thing opens up to the public on March 1st, so get down to The Headrow and check it out before the whole thing closes later in the month.